To promote mental well-being in Orkney, through active personalised support with a focus on recovery.

We all have mental health, just as everyone has physical health and that can be good or at times not so good. Mental health is much the same. Orkney Blide Trust is a charity dedicated to providing support for those who have, or have had, experience of mental ill health.

People join our services as members. Anyone who has lived experience of mental health problems and their carers are welcome to join or take part in the variety of activities and services we provide. Most people refer to us as ‘The Blide’.

I’ve got a lot from the Blide and I hope that I’ve contributed too. I’ve gained confidence and can laugh at myself (and others!). If I have a problem, there is always a member of staff to talk to.”

Our mission is: To promote mental well-being in Orkney, through active personalised support with a focus on recovery.

We offer a range of activities which are reviewed regularly and we respond to ideas and interests of our members. People are encouraged to get involved in whatever way they would like to and, for some this means becoming involved with the work of the Blide; this can be helping to cook the lunches, working in the café or garden or taking part in the work of the admin unit. However, the choice is always yours!

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