Kirkwall Grammar School Donation


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The charities committee from Kirkwall Grammar School stopped in today with an amazing donation for us to continue our work within the Orkney community. This world mental health day they arranged a bake sale and dress down day to raise money. We are truly very grateful for them choosing the Orkney Blide Trust and hope this began some conversations within the school about maintaining positive mental health and supporting those that are struggling with this. Thank you again!

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File Size: 12.3 KB
File Type: application/octet-stream
Hits: 108 Hits
Created Date: 11-10-2023
Last Updated Date: 11-10-2023

If you use the JustGiving Fundraising button you can raise funds for the Blide without the hassle of working out how to transfer the money to us. You will be able to create a fundraising page (you may have to create an account), tell people what it is you are doing and JustGiving handle the donations!

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